Tuesday 10 May 2011

ookay...testing...and tinctures

Well,Im trying photobucket...could be interesting... Todays schooling went roughly as follows:
Firstly,the dreaded maths...today: area and perimeter. Thanks are due once again to the incredible jediteacher,without whom I would have considerably more grey hair,and peanut would have a lot harder time wrapping her brain around these things. Sir,we salute you!
Having survived this form of torture (her words not mine) we detoured into town for bugsys and bath bombs from boots and lush respectively. For those of you who have not encountered a 'bugsy' and are thinking of bunny,allow me to enlighten you. The bugsy is the greatest sandwich in the world ever. (once again,not my words...I dont make the news,just report it!) It consists of grated carrot,hummous,rocket and alfalfa sprouts on wholemeal bread. It it served at its best with a chocolate brownie for desert,washed down with coppella apple juice. I would reccommend trying one,but not anywhere you will be spotted dropping half a bunny hutch of carrots down your front and into your lap. This is not food to be eaten in front of anyone you may be trying to impress!
Anyhooo,that enjoyable little detour aside,and the purchase of 3 lush robot bath bombs, (please,dont ask...just let me assure you that our forray into home chemistry does NOT involve explosives or any kind of illegal device) we headed home via the oxfam bookshop,where we pick up an interesting textbook on herbalism which Peanut pounced on and dragged upstairs to her lair the second we got in the door. After failure to remove her from said new book,I decide to play sneaky,and tell her to use it to find a tincture recipe. She does. Its in cups. Suddenly,its pencils and paper at the ready as we try to A) work out the conversion and B) scale down the recipe to more manageable quantities. All this,she manages. In the space of half an hour,we have both remembered and applied our conversion formulae,and dusted off the ratio we did last term. Im flabbergasted and happy that here,if nowhere else,is tangible proof that its actually going in...the stuff we study is being absorbed...and remembered!!! I need a moment here to collect my brain before we set out to make the tincture itself. Its fun,despite the fact that the brown bottles I carefully saved are not quite big enough,and the only substitute is a hastily sterilised Tiger beer bottle-dont tell the Boys,they dont need an excuse not to visit the bottle bank! Tincture making takes about an hour and a half. After that,we make several new entries in what we have begun calling Peanuts herbal volume. This afternoon was rounded off making flapjacks,and reading Terry Pratchett. An enjoyable,and productive day.Now,photographic evidence ( I hope!)

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